Tuesday 1 January 2013

A New Year Wish ???

Dear Guru brothers/sisters!! I am sorry I am late to wish you all A Very Happy New Year 2013 but actually I was in a dilemma for the New Year wishes as it seemed to be so meaningless!! As you all would be aware of the recent tragic and one of the most heinous crime happened at New Delhi, the rape and murder of a girl and who has subsequently died at the end of the past year 2012!! After this how can someone ever think of doing any type of New Year celebrations !! In our ancient old scriptures somewhere it is written as Jatra Pujayante Nari, Tatra Ramanti Devataha means where women are being given respect and worshipped as a symbol of Shakti, all the demigods reside there!! My society many people as usual celebrated & took part in the New Year celebrations, may be they know better than me since they are very highly qualified, intellectual and city based modern people (I am not very highly qualified only a Graduate for which I used to feel little bad but today I feel myself to be very proud to not to be very qualified because my humanity hasn’t died) they even came to my flat to collect money for the celebrations as they feared that owing to the circumstances people may not come on their own to donate money, I just politely showed them the door!!! The other societies near to my society also celebrated the New Year and I am left to wonder as which world we are living?? Now the mindset of the people is myself and my family should be happy let whatever happens in my neighbourhood or in the rest of the world!!! Our Holy Gurudev used to address all the women as Maa (Mother) and there was no other word in His vocabulary for them!! He hasn’t hesitated to address even the prostitutes as Mother so as Sri Ramakrishna!! Great Saints always came to this world to teach us many things and it seems that all of us has forgotten these very very valuable lessons!!! It is our dirty mindset only which pollute our minds to differentiate between people and everything!! Rather we should check ourselves first!!! I afraid the write-up may become very large if I go on to write but whatever it is I wish all of you a belated Happy New Year 2013 and hope & pray to the Almighty Lord that this upcoming new year brings for all of us new hopes, safe and secure environment for all the girls beginning from their mother’s womb (as they are not even safe there) to all her whole life, proper and due respect & care for all the ladies, lots & lots of good news, happiness and prosperity for everybody!! Let the divinity and spiritualism spread more and more and materialism vanish away from this world!! Jai Ram!!


  1. Dear Gurubhai,

    I just wanted to know is their any difference between the pictures of our Gurudev. i.e Sri Sri Satya Narayan & Sri Sri Kablyanath while performing puja or if any particular significance attached to any picture.

    1. Dear Guru sister, By the blessing of Gurudev I would try my best to answer you queries. Sri Sri Thakur when first time saw His own photo of Sri Sri Kaivalyanath suddenly said that He is Kaivalyanath (means Lord Sri Krishna according to Srimad Bhagvatham which I researched
      myself and found there) then everybody present there wondered & questioned as Kaivalyanath???? at this Sri Sri Thakur told that in this region He was known by this name only!!! (means Lord was called and known by this name) If you see my older posts in this blog you can find about the making of this portrait!!! Sri Sri Thakur only Himself
      started the worshipping of His own portrait and even worshipped His very own this portrait so as to teach and show us all to do seva of this portrait!!! He very often used to insist to not to ask for any wishes from Sri Sri Kaivalyanath as Lord will give you everything
      according to your needs and moreover attractions for various types of wishes (Kamona and Bashona) which later on became a major reason for not getting salvation from this material world, but which was very difficult and most of the people/devotees would not listen!!!! Then one day our holy Gurudev who always thinks & eager for our benefit and well being installed His own another portrait and named it as Sri Sri Satyanarayan and said that since you people cannot control yourselves by asking for various wishes so thats why there is Lord Sri Sri Satyanarayan who is also Satya Pir to whom you can ask anything and He
      would certainly fulfill all your wishes!! So, the moral of the story is that there are many pictures of Sri Sri Thakur but Gurudev have instructed all of us to worship only these two portraits and which we must follow!! We can keep His various pictures and love them but to worship there are only these two portraits only as instructed by our holy Gurudev!! I hope that I have been able to answer your questions!!
      All Glory to our Holy Gurudev!! Jai Ram!!

    2. ok alright...thank you very muchh for your simple & nice explanation regarding our Great Gurudev...Thank you. Please keep posting more such fcats about Sri Sri Thakur
