Thursday 13 December 2012

The Great Disciple Sri Madhob Pagla

India has always been blessed by so many great devotees that if we start to count them the list would be endless!! Today I would like to tell you all my dearest Guru brothers/sisters about one such disciple of our Gurudev about whom many of you would not be knowing!! His actual name was Sri Gopal Chandra Mukherjee apparently came to be known as Madhob Pagla!!  Madhob Pagla was a Saint of an highly spiritual divine status & a very close disciple of Sri Sri Ram Thakur and by his ardent devotion and sadhana came to know about his previous birth that he was a priest in a Madhav mandir in Bihar's Chappra district and due to his immense devotion became totally merged with God and was in divine possession always.  He used to roam the streets here and there always wearing a torn blanket and would chant always as "My Madhav is very good" , "My Madhav is very good" because of which people used to call him by this very name, kids taking him to be a lunatic fellow used to throw stones & mud on him. Then in this birth he was in Kashi, Varanasi and took diksha from Sri Sri Thakur and became a priest in a Radha-Govind Mandir. Many divine past times took place here between him and his beloved God Lord Sri Krishna!! Here the deity always used to talk with him telling about the naivedyams offered to it, like there is no salt in the dal or the food offered to it is uchchista (half-eaten) as the cook himself used to eat those eatables before offering to the deity, etc. like that many incidents!! Sometimes the deity used to demand from him certain etables like mango or sweets etc. The secret facts disclosed to him by the deity which were hard to believe by the other people of the temple at the first instance but subsequently which were proved to be true established his intimate closeness and divine relationship with the Lord. This temple is still there in Varanasi and I had the opportunity to have darshan of the deity. He attained sadhana by sitting on pancha-mundi asana in shiv-shakti temple known as Shav-Shiva Mandir which is still there in Varanasi. Sri Sri Thakur used to enter his body and played many many divine leelas. Must read the book about this great saint who infact saw Lord Sri Krishna also by the grace of his Guru Sri Sri Ram Thakur!!  If we search the history there would be very few devotees in the modern age India where we can find any records of the devotees having able to see their respective Lords and Madhob Pagla is one of them!! This very birth when he was in a dilemma as to call his beloved Lord Sri Krishna by which name as his Lord is having so many names, he heard a voice calling & audible only to him in the busy street of Varanasi as to call him by the name Sri Madhav as then Lord would be very much pleased on him!! This was really very divine and mind boggling experience for him but it was just only the beginning of these incidents!!  Keep an eye on the blog.. there is more to come on this Great  Saint & Disciple of our Gurudev!! Jai Ram!