Saturday 18 August 2012

The Glory of Holy Prasad of Gurudev


Dear Guru brothers/sisters! Jai Ram! today I would like to share with you a story related to the divinity of holy prasad of our Gurudev and God!! It so happened once that Sri Sri Thakur along with some of His devotees had happened to visit a home of a devotee while staying at bangladesh. That devotee had a pet dog in his house who immediately after seeing our Gurudev came to near to Him and paid his respects at Gurudev's holy feet. When after staying for some time in that house Sri Sri Thakur started to leave that place the dog also started to follow Him!! Gurudev went in many homes in that area & subsequently that dog was also following Him everywhere!! The devotees accompanying Sri Sri Thakur tried many times to make him return to his master's home but he didn't listened. The whole day that dog roamed at different places with Sri Sri Thakur, the devotees also tried to bring Gurudev's attention to it but He also didn't paid any attention to their requests. Then after visiting various homes they all decided to leave that place and boarded a launch boat to ferry across a river and surprisingly that dog also jumped into the river started swimming & was following them!! All the devotees were utterly shocked to see this & asked Sri Sri Thakur to see this but He didn't looked at the dog at all!! After some time the river started becoming more deeper & deeper and the devotees feared that the dog may be  drowned now, they all started requesting Sri Sri Thakur to look at the dog and have mercy on him.  Suddenly Sri Sri Thakur looked at the dog and threw a very small & tiny pebble type stone on the dog which hit him on the head and immediately the dog turned back and went away!! Everybody sighed a big relief that now the dog is saved!! After some 1 or 2 months of this incident when a devotee happened to visit that home again he came to know that their dog after returning took a round of the Tulsi Vedi (Temple) in front of the house and died!! The house owner was totally confused & shocked as to what had happened suddenly as first it left them and followed Gurudev everywhere and then after returning left his body!! Everybody started pestering Sri Sri Thakur for the reason behind to which Gurudev told that dog was a pious sadhu in his previous birth but he had did a sin for which he had got this birth of a dog!! The sin was that he had eaten his Guru's prasad with a sense of dislike or disgust for that prasad! But in this birth due to his previous good deeds he had the previous birth's memory!! The moral of the story is that dog immediately on seeing Gurudev understood that only He could give him salvation from his sin and subsequently Sri Sri Thakur did the same!! One devotee asked Guruji that at many places we have seen that the prasad is prepared under unhygenic conditions & not prepared properly or somewhere even rotten or spoiled prasad is also been offered, in that situation what to do?? If one doesn't eat that prasad then it would be a offend towards the deity and if eaten with a disliking sense then he may born in a inferior species!! Sri Sri Thakur said that in that case you can after paying your respects to that prasad immerse it in a pond or a river nearby and if any pond/river is not available then you can put it under a big tree also!! If that tree is a banyan tree then it would be much better!! If tree is also not available then keep that prasad safely in a paper or cloth with you and when you find any river or tree do the abovementioned!! So, friends remember what Gurudev told all of us because many times many of us would have encountered such situations in our lives!! Remember every karma has its fruits just like Newton's third law of relativity! Jai Ram!!

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