Friday 18 April 2014

The Actual Seva or Service Part II

This is in continuation of the earlier post… so friends...What seva they did??? Did they organized huge Mahotsavs or did they spent lot of money for organizing huge festivals of our holy Gurudev… or did they built huge palatial ashrams for him… no … nothing of these… the seva which they did were those tears of love which flow from their eyes for Him who was even unknown to them… but it is said that this eternal relationship between the God and the devotee is of many many births…the devotee may forget Him after coming to this material world but it is only the Almighty Lord who never ever forget his children… this coming up of Guruji’s portrait in their family photo was a great miracle… in this regard I remember a story where our Gurudev was once staying at a certain devotee’s home at Kolkata when Gurudev strictly restricted a photographer in taking His photo …obviously that photographer became a little sad at his heart and was sitting at the corner when the devotee noticed him and enquired about his sadness which he conveyed to him… the devotee went to Gurudev asked about it to which He said that this photographer wanted to take His photos for business purpose & to make money out of it…. the devotee told the photographer that it is true that till date nobody has been able to take Guruji’s photo without his permission.. but you don’t worry I would bring Him to your studio one day and then you can take some snaps of Him… this made the photographer happy and he left… after some days the devotee requested Gurudev for His permission to take some photo of Him at that studio which Guruji agreed…accordingly they went to the studio and the photographer very carefully took some nice snaps… from the next day onwards Guruji started enquiring from the devotee about the photos whether they have been developed or not… those days photo developing use to take some 4-5 days of time… again after few days Guruji in front of many other devotees enquired about His photos to which the other devotees became excited and started asking that devotee… he told that photo developing takes some time so they will have to wait for some more time… again after some days holy Guruji again asked the same question in front of other devotees… that devotee replied as yes I am going now itself to the studio for those photographs… when he reached the studio and equired about the photos he found that the photographer was feeling embarrassed & also a bit confused….he begged for sorry before the devotee and said that he is in this profession of photography for many years in this city of Kolkata and it is first time in his life that he took snaps but nothing came… all the films were empty as if there were no exposure on them… that devotee was himself a very good photographer and had good amount of knowledge about it.. those days photo developing used to involve good amount of procees in it… he requested the photographer to show him the plates which he found totally blank… subsequently, the devotee returned empty handed and when he reached Gurudev as usual in front of all again asked the same question… the devotee also jokingly replied yes Guruji very beautiful photographs have came… to which Guruji laughed and said then show it to all.. now here was the problem… the devotee had to accept the fact in front of all and narrated everything… Guruji said in Bengali ichche korileyi chobi tola jay na…(a photo can’t be taken by just wishing for it) and then suddenly became serious and said abar eo hoy je ichche na thakileo chobi othe..(and photo can also came up without one’s knowledge or wish)… obviously here he referred to the incident of this very Shresti couple of Gujarat…. 

There is so much to learn from this incident of this couple… nowadays we find that people are hungry for name and fame…. Everybody wants to become famous and wish that people should know about them and treat them as a bigshot… this problem is found even in the devotees or the so-called religious minded people… Guruji used to say about Protishta (fame)… that era protishta bishe bhuiga more bhogobot pod pay na…here he had also referred to the so-called devotees of the modern era as well as to those disciples who had by immense practice or sadhana have been able to earn some spiritual or extra ordinary powers but due to that they become highly proudy and fame hungry & it is because of this they die due to the poison of fame and like this they would be never ever able to reach the holy feet of almighty lord!!!! One can find various examples of people running after name and fame… but that couple.. nobody was able to know about them… they searched for Him years and then one day when they were at the last stage of their old age they found him at Kashi at the ganges ghat and fall at His holy feet and left the material world… Guruji also quietly did their last rites and left the place.. this story came out later on through their son who was staying with them and then only everybody came to know of this remarkable incident…this poison of fame drifts us away from the holy feet of Guruji… I found so many people fame hungry.. publishing stories of Guruji after copying them from the various original books of close disciples under their own names…why??? what will one gain by letting the world know about them… let you know about yourself first man… you visit the ashrams you can see the VIP treatments given by the ashram people to the families of President, Secretary, Treasurer etc.. and to the person also…. They will dominate everywhere … whether it is arti, getting the Prasad first, giving pushpanjali first everything.. all ashrams the same story.. then these next generation or the descedents of the disciples who took Sri Naam from Guruji Himself.. they would also not loose any opportunity to claim their family connection… the motive is only one treat us little differently or give priority to us before others… somebody’s grandfather/ grandmother was very very close disciple of Guruji or somebody even have a family connection with the family of Guruji Himself…. They are boasting everywhere… 
I remember here one incident where Gurudev had Himself barred His devotees to celebrate His Birth Festival (Jonmo Utshob) to be celebrated at His Birth place i.e. Dingamanik…(Ref. Shubhomoy Dutta mohashoy’s book) …every year it was being celebrated at the birth place only....but that very year Gurudev was adamant to be celebrated at Noakhali only … when requested that His own family people may feel bad to which Gurudev immediately said why?? I don’t see any reason for them to be felt bad??? They may celebrate the birth festival as usual but the Birth Festival being celebrated by the devotees from all over the undivided Bengal would only and only be celebrated at Noakhali only!!! after asking many times the reason behind the change of venue He revealed that last year there was lot of differentiation by His own family members in distribution of Mahaprasad!!! & where there is differentiation Mahoutshav can’t be held!! This thing I have seen at all the ashrams nowadays happening and they claim they are doing Mahoutsav!! What a pity…. Guruji had always insisted for same treatment for each n everybody whether rich or poor… from that year onwards Birth Festival was started being celebrated at Noakhali under the guidance of Subhomnoy Dutto mohashoy… I don’t know how many of you know about this incident…. If you don't know then know it...try to understand it... tell other devotees of our Guruji staying near you...I have stopped visiting the ashrams since long time back… He is in my heart… I have my own very small Sri Sri Kaivalyadham at my home…. And I feel His presence more rather than at the ashrams… I hope that you all would have understood the gist of the post which I had wanted to convey to you all…  rest later… always be in submission at His holy lotus feet!! May the Holy Gurudev showers His Holy Blessings on all of us!!! Jai Ram!!

Wednesday 9 April 2014

The Actual Seva or Service

Friends, Its been a long time I wrote anything here... few days back I was pondering over the various ways through which crores of disciples of our Guruji serve Him all around the universe..some decorate His holy portrait with beautiful flowers, sandalwood pastes, beautiful dhotis, angavastrams.. some offer cotton and some give silk dhotis etc. the wealthy devotees decorate Him even with golden ornaments like crowns or necklaces etc. or they would made gorgeous or big Altars (Sinhasans) for Guruji...some other devotees offer various types of cooked delicacies...different types of dishes and sweets etc. But is it all??? Is this what actually our Holy Gurudev crave for???? Is this the way through one can please Him??? 

Do you all know about a Gujarati Couple named as the Shresti Couple??? If not... then please find out and read it... you all would be stunned the Seva or Service they did... Just think what they did that the Lord of unlimited universe did their last rites with His own pious hands and granted them salvation!!!! You will find their story in the preface of Vedavani Part II written by Shri Indubhushan Banerjee mohashoy... shall I tell?? or you all know about it... you know what they did??? their story is just miraculous!! This couple was one of the richest and wealthiest family in Gujarat... they were having sons, daughters and their children etc. Once there was some family function in their house and it was at that time when a photographer was called to their house to take some memorable snaps of the moment... accordingly the photographer took snaps and when the photos were developed to their astonishment they found that in one of the photos where only the couple had taken a photo there was an unknown person standing at their back!!!  But when the photo was taken that person was not present there... then who is He???? they all become confused!!!! but the couple became restless to find out about the whereabouts of this person... simultaneously they started their search but without any success... now slowly they started feeling attracted to the portrait of that unknown figure and daily they used to stare at Him for hours... days, months & years rolled on but they couldn't find Him... now the couple lost all their interest in their material life and subsequently gave all their wealth among their children equally and left their home leaving behind their crying family their only aim in their life was left to search for that attractive holy figure who had captured their inner self, mind & everything!! they would stare at His Holy portrait the whole day without doing anything with tears of love rolling down their eyes... I hope by now you all would have understood that who that unknown holy figure was which was none other than our Gurudev!!! subsequently they had become very very old and then one day they saw our Guruji at the Dashashvamedh Ghat at Varanasi...they couldn't walk properly... immediately both of them prostrated at the Holy Lotus Feet of Gurudev and didn't got up from there... they left their bodies in that state itself... everything happened peacefully without any knowledge to others... Guruji also quietly did their last rites and left the place... Now here can you tell what Seva they did???? If you understood, please do tell me... rest later... always remember the Naam!! Jai Ram!!!